General Format

Banbury - 2025 Regulations

Banbury 2025 Entry form

  • Open to machines manufactured before 31st December 1930
  • Entry list set at Max 500
  • Riders will start at 5 per minute
  • Tarmac parking for all entrants
  • Hard standing viewing areas
  • Over 100 Autojumble Pitches
  • Free spectator parking close to the main entrance
  • Camping available Friday, Saturday & Sunday night
  • Refunds given before April 1st less £10 admin.


Class A: Veteran. Machines manufactured before January 1st,1915

Average speed to be maintained: 15mph = 4 minutes per Mile.

Class A1: Veteran. Machines manufactured before January 1st,1915

Average speed to be maintained: 18mph = 3.33 minutes per Mile.

Class B: Early Vintage. Machines manufactured between 1915 and January 1st, 1925.
Average speed to be maintained: 20mph = 3 minutes per Mile.

Class C: Late Vintage. Machines manufactured between 1925 and January 1st, 1931.
Average speed to be maintained: 24mph. = 2½ minutes per Mile.

One of the following three concessions, which are not available to Team entries, can be requested on the Entry Form.

  • Riders of 60 years of age or over may enter any Class irrespective of age of machine.
  • Riders may enter any Class higher than the machine eligibility.
  • Riders of machines of 250cc or less and any sidecar combinations or three-wheelers may enter one Class lower than the machine age eligibility.

Banbury Run

Banbury Run

Banbury Run

Banbury Run

Banbury Run

Banbury Run

Banbury RunVMCC